Achieve a comfortable and powerful riding position

Endeavour Coaching is proud to offer bike fitting in conjunction with our partner The Pedaler Health in Milton, Brisbane. Having your bike fitted to you is the the most valuable investment you can make for your riding experience. This is true for every rider. It’s essential if you want to avoid muscle aches and pains on long rides or if you want to optimize your performance.

As your body changes, so should your bike fit.

Our bodies change over time. You could be getting stronger after catching the cycling bug, becoming capable of holding a faster more aggresive position. You could be stepping back from competitive racing or changing disciplines all together. Or maybe you’ve grown? We recommend examining your bike fit every 12 to 18 months as the limits of our bodies change over time. We use motion capture to examine your biomechanics as you ride to optimise your fit for your goals. Whether you are chasing performance or comfort, if you want a professional opinion, then get in touch!

By appointment only

This service is approximatley 2 hours long and costs $250. However time trial bike fits and highly involved fits are often slightly longer appointments and as such are $300. Available at The Pedaler Health (2/45 Douglas Street, Milton) by appointment only.